How we do it:

It can be really hard to open up about mental health at work: 95 per cent of people calling in sick with stress give a different reason.
That’s why we work with more than 800 employers to change attitudes to mental health in their workplace.

We need to reach the next generation if we want to change attitudes towards people with mental health problems.
That’s why we support over 2,000 schools to deliver assemblies, lessons and other activity to their students.
People with mental health problems say discrimination from friends, family and neighbours has the biggest impact.
We support hundreds of Champions to reach people and change attitudes where they live and oversee a network of more than 30 Time to Change Hubs running local campaigns.

Our Campaigns
To change people’s attitudes and behaviour, we need to reach them directly: when they’re in the pub, on social media or on their commute. We run two national campaigns:
- In Your Corner: asking our target audiences of men and young people to look out for their mates
- Time to Talk Day (7 February 2019): asking everyone to have a conversation about mental health.
This year, we launched a new programme to help tackle mental health stigma and discrimination in other countries - by training local campaigners and setting up pilot campaigns.
Find out more about our global work >