1. Have a conversation about mental health
    Two women talking
    Just having a conversation about mental health - with a friend, family member or anyone else - can help to break down the silence and shame around the subject.
  2. Become a Time to Change Champion
    a woman in a Time to Change t-shirt talking to a man
    Time to Change Champions are people with lived experience of mental health problems who campaign to change the way people think and act about mental health.
  3. Tell your story online
    a laptop
    Have you experienced negative attitudes to a mental health problem? Join thousands of people who have shared their stories on the Time to Change blog.
  4. Challenge stigmatising media and coverage
    an icon of a television set on a purple background
    Speak out against damaging stereotypes and misconceptions of mental health problems when you see them in the media and in products.
  5. Get involved near me
    two man having a conversation at a Time to Change event
    Time to Change is a social movement with events and local campaigns happening all the time.