These guides and toolkits provide examples of good practice, and tips on how to run projects and events that challenge mental health stigma.
Engaging people
300 Voices Toolkit
Better must come: towards hope
To help improve the outcomes of young African and Caribbean men in inpatient mental health services.
An engagement model specifically designed for mental health professionals and the police, 300 Voices incorporates appreciative inquiry, restorative justice and storytelling in an easy-to-follow, non-judgmental framework for change.
Toolkit for grant funding organisations
Our social contact toolkit for funders contains:
- The top 5 things to look for in an application
- Evaluation data from projects funded through the Time to Change grant fund
- Examples of successful projects
Download the funders toolkit (PDF)
A social contact toolkit for groups and organisations
We have put together a social contact toolkit for community organisations which gives:
- A step by step guide to setting up a simple project
- Examples of projects working in diverse communities
- Statistics you can use to support funding applications
Download the community project toolkit (PDF)
Social Contact Event Toolkit
This toolkit will help you to plan and run an event that helps to change the way that people in your community think about, and behave towards, people with mental health problems. Download the Social Contact event toolkit (PDF)
School and youth club campaign toolkit
If you work or volunteer with young people, this step-by-step guide will help you run an anti-stigma campaign in your school or youth club using our wide range of free materials, activities and resources. Download the campaign toolkit (PDF)
Please also see our Leadership Guide to empower your young people to take the lead on your campaign.
Make your practice mental health friendly
A information leaflet on work with GP practices on how to be mental health friendly. Download the document in full (PDF).
Speak Out
A guide to creating your own project, Speak Out is full of tips and factsheets on setting up an initiative or project.
Imagine Your Goals: Improving mental health through football
A guide and celebration of the work achieved through the Imagine Your Goals project, funded by Sport Relief and the Premier League. Download the full report (PDF).
Delivering a football and mental health project
A toolkit giving advice on how best to run projects addressing mental health through football. Download the full report (PDF)
Setting up a football and mental health project
A toolkit giving advice on how best to set up projects addressing mental health through football. Download the full report (PDF)
Mental health awareness in sport
A toolkit giving an introduction to mental health for sports coaches. Download Mental Health Awareness in Sport >>
Worship on the theme of mental health: a guide for the Church
Guidance for church, providing ideas and resources for churches to plan workshop on the theme of mental health. Download the full report or find more information about it.
Media and reporting guides
We also produce media and reporting guides for journalists, producers and script writers working on mental health related projects, these include:
- Mental health language guide
- Using images in mental health storylines
- How to write mental health case studies
- Guide for TV and film producers
- Working with documentary contributors
- Tips for creating interesting mental health storylines in TV soaps and drama.
Speak out magazine
Each edition of the Time to Change magazine looked at different ways of breaking down stigma, with real-life experiences, tips and advice from people with expertise in the field.
- The media issue - breaking down stigma in the media
- The community issue - breaking down stigma in the community
- The young people's issue - breaking down stigma working with young people
- The workplace issue - breaking down stigma in the workplace
- The working in partnership issue - working in partnership with black and ethnic minorities to challenge stigma
- The champions' issue - Time to Change champions challenging stigma