Psychosis is a term used to describe when a person perceives the world in a different way to those around them. This can include how a person will experience, believe or view things. People might experience psychosis if they have a diagnosis of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or severe depression, but it can also be caused by a range of experiences such as physical illness, abuse or trauma, recreational drugs or prescribed medication.
What are some of the symptoms of psychosis?
A person experiencing psychosis may experience hallucinations, delusions, or both. Examples include hearing voices, or believing others are trying to harm them. Psychosis can also lead to disorganised thoughts or speech.
What is it like to experience psychosis?
Experiences of psychosis can be different for everyone. Some people may find that their experiences help them to see the world more clearly or help with creativity.
However, others may find psychosis to be a frightening experience. They may find that they:
- Feel overwhelmed or tired
- Feel anxious or scared
- Find it difficult to trust certain organisations or people
- Are upset if people dismiss their experiences as untrue
Lots of people with a diagnosis of psychosis have shared their experiences in our stories section.
Where can I find out more?
Visit the Rethink Mental Illness website to find out more about psychosis, including information on diagnosis, symptoms, treatment and recovery.
You can also find information about psychosis on Mind's website.