Just to let you know that there's a current consultation (ending March 1st 2009) on the Crown Prosecution Service's website, that wants your views.
Its about their Policy on prosecuting criminal cases involving people with mental health problems and/or learning disabilities as victims and witnesses
They do highlight the research from Mind (Another assault, 2007) that people experiencing mental health problems experience shockingly high rates of crime and victimisation. 71% of people in their survey had been the victim of a crime or harrassment in the previous 2 years compared to 22% in the general population.
But I was disappointed to see some of the words they use - some of it seemed to be stuck in the 70s. Its an interesting read, covering credibility of witnesses as well as advocacy (though it doesn't call it that). I haven't seen it publicised, but I hope that others will feel able to answer some of their questions and give their opinions.
Please take a look at their consultation and feed in your views.
On the site, there is also a research paper which highlights that training should include materials to raise awareness and understanding amongst prosecutors of Mental health and learning disability issues.