My name is Emma and I have experienced mental health problems - I'm diagnosed with BPD (borderline personality disorder) and severe depression with associated anxiety.
My condition has affected my family life - close family find it hard and don't understand mental health, making it hard to be around them - and my work: I ended up losing my job as I could no longer cope.
My greatest support as been my boyfriend, some of my family and, believe it or not, a couple of local police officers.
My hope for the future is that mental health is talked about and understood: mental illness is not just a set of excuses and not a taboo subject.
I'm taking 5 on Time to Talk Day because I believe that we should spread the message far and wide - to doctors, to friends, family etc - they all should know - let's starts talking about it.
This blog is part of the Time to Talk Day 2015 #Take5ToBlog initiative.
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