September 15, 2016

Nadia was diagnosed with an emotionally unstable personality disorder, and many of her friends and family didn't understand how she could be ill, let alone what she was really going through. Here she talks about her condition and how support and understanding can make a huge difference.


I was diagnosed with traits of an emotionally unstable personality disorder back in 2012. This was really difficult for me, due to what it was, the name of it, and family and friends not having much awareness of it. 

Traits of an emotionally unstable personality disorder is similar to BPD. It’s a mental health condition characterised by rapid mood shift, impulsivity, hostility and chaotic social relationships. You can also develop coping mechanisms like self harm and suicidal thoughts, and they’re the exact same coping mechanisms that I developed from a young age.

When I told those around me about my illness, and what I was going through, they were really shocked: they said “you always seem really strong and happy,” and that you would think there’s anything wrong with me.

But I also had some family members that said they didn’t think therapy was going to be helpful for me, due to it bringing up the past. Because of this that was a real battle for me because I knew that I needed the help and support to help overcome this illness because of the pain and the struggle that I was going through at the time. And it was only once therapy ended that my family could see what a benefit it’s had – the healthier life now that I’m living, the way I’m coping better with situations.

Anyone that’s going through a mental health condition, this or any other, are just ordinary people who need the right help and support to help overcome their illness. Taking the steps in order to help overcome this is not a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of strength. Anyone that’s going through a mental health condition can be going through such a battle, going through such a struggle, and a lot of pain at the same time, so having that help and support and understanding is key. If they have the support and understanding from family around them, that can be so helpful at the same time.

You can follow Nadia on Instagram here.                          

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