February 5, 2015

My name is Dee Dee and I have, and still experience, depression and borderline personality disorderDee Dee's blog

My mental illnesses have affected my work life, my relationships, my day to day routines and my whole life as my wishes, goals and dreams have had to be put aside because of what the illnesses have done to me and my confidence -however, telling my story and raising awareness of how important mental health is spurs me on to keep going which is why I am now also studying to become a counsellor.

My greatest source of support is my husband: we have been together since I was 15 (I am now 25) and he is my comfort blanket. 

My hope for the future is that I can fully recover and be stable enough to be confident in achieving my goals - to successfully become a qualified counsellor and help others: I hope that one day it is no longer a taboo to talk openly about difficulties and that people can receive the correct care and help in an acceptable time. 

I'm taking 5 on Time To Talk Day because nobody should be ashamed to talk.

This blog is part of the Time to Talk Day 2015 #Take5ToBlog initiative. 

What do you think about the issues raised in this blog?

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